WBridge5's outstanding slam bidding from the Final 64-board KO
The Final KO match between WBridge5 and Bridge Baron, won by WBridge5 206-101, contained a number of slam swings. There were twelve boards where one or both sides were in slam. Two slams went down at both tables. One of those required no trump losers missing QJxx. The other was a 32 HCP 6NT hand, down at both tables, with brilliant defense at one table after a costly lead.
The only losing slam position for WBridge5 was an over aggressive 6♣, down one with no play. Bridge Baron played in 4♣, avoiding a losing 3NT, but missing a cold 5♣ with 24 HCPs, and gained 5 IMPs.
The other nine slams all went WBridge5's way, gaining 114 IMPs. On eight of the boards, WBridge5 bid and made slam or grand, and on the remaining board WBridge5 kept out of a slam off AK of a side suit. All twelve slams netted WBridge5 109 IMPs, more than the margin of victory.
The slam boards are discussed in sequence, with the emphasis on highlighting WBridge5's bidding and play.
Board 7, 1st segment. Dealer South. Both Vulnerable. | ||
Q 2
♥ 6 4 2 ♦ K 5 4 3 ♣ K 9 5 2 | ||
A J 10 9 7 3
♥ A J 9 8 7 ♦ 6 ♣ 4 |
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♥ Q 10 5 3 ♦ A Q 10 8 2 ♣ A 7 6 |
K 8 5 4
♥ K ♦ J 9 7 ♣ Q J 10 8 3 |
West | North | East | South |
WBridge5 | Bridge Baron | WBridge5 | Bridge Baron |
Pass | |||
1♠ | Pass | 2♦ | Pass |
2♥ | Pass | 3♥ | Pass |
3♠ | Pass | 4♥ | Pass |
4NT | Pass | 5♠ (2 + ♥Q) | Pass |
6♥ | All Pass |
On ♣2 lead, WBridge5 won the ♣A, spade Ace, spade ruff, heart to the King and Ace, spade ruff, club ruff, spade ruff, club ruff, pulling trump and claiming 7. This gained WBridge5 15 IMPs when Bridge Baron played inexplicable in 2NT.
Board 16 was played in 6♣ by WBridge5, with no play for 6 and cold for 5. Bridge Baron correctly kept out of 3NT. North holding ♠10 ♥ 9 6 ♦ 8 7 6 3 ♣ A Q J 6 5 3, heard partner open 1NT (15-17) and the opponents compete in the majors. Bridge Baron was +150 and gained 5 IMPs.
Board 8, 2nd segment. Dealer West. None Vulnerable. | ||
♥ A K 10 ♦ A 4 ♣ K J 10 8 7 5 4 | ||
J 8 6
♥ Q 8 5 4 3 2 ♦ K Q 8 2 ♣ - |
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Q 10 5 2
♥ 9 7 ♦ J 9 7 5 3 ♣ 9 2 |
A K 9 7 4
♥ J 6 ♦ 10 6 ♣ A Q 6 3 |
West | North | East | South |
Bridge Baron | WBridge5 | Bridge Baron | WBridge5 |
Pass | 1♣ | Pass | 1♠ |
Dbl | 3♣ | 3♦ | 4NT |
Pass | 5♣ (0 or 3 KCs) | Pass | 5NT |
Pass | 6♦ (1 King) | Pass | 7♣ |
All Pass |
This gained 14 IMPs for WBridge5. At the other table WBridge5 West opened 2♥, North Doubled, and Bridge Baron South jumped to 4♠ and played it there for +420..
Board 10, 2nd segment. Dealer East. Both Vulnerable. | ||
9 6
♥ K 8 6 4 2 ♦ 7 3 ♣ Q J 9 6 | ||
A Q 8 7 5
♥ - ♦ A J 8 4 ♣ 8 7 3 2 |
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J 10 3 2
♥ Q 7 ♦ K 9 ♣ A K 10 6 4 |
K 4
♥ A J 10 9 5 3 ♦ Q 10 6 5 2 ♣ - |
West | North | East | South |
WBridge5 | Bridge Barons | WBridge5 | Bridge Baron |
1♣ | 1♥ | ||
1♠ | 3♣ (fit showing) | 4♠ | 5♥ |
6♠ | All Pass |
East's aggressive jump to 4♠ is reasonable since West should have five spades and more than a minimum response. The opening lead of the ♥4 was ruffed by declarer. Crossing to the ♦K, spade finesse, and a second spade. When a club was led to the Ace and South showed out, declarer crossed to the ♦A, led a club and ducked North's ♣J. Now declarer ruffed the heart return, finessed in clubs, and claimed 12 tricks. This gained 13 IMPs when Bridge Baron played in a peaceful 4♠.
On Board 15 Bridge Baron played in 6♥, down when WBridge5 found a diamond lead to partners ♦ A K. On any other led Bridge Baron makes 7. WBridge5 gained 11 IMPs when it correctly stopped in 5♥.
In the only slam of the third segment, Board 9, both sides bid to 6♥ which failed when declared could not avoid a trump loser missing QJxx.
There was a lot of slam swings in the fourth segment.
On board 3, WBridge5 gained 11 IMPs when it found an easy auction to 6NT. 1♣ - 3NT with 12 HCPs and ♣ A Q x x x. Opener with 18 balanced HCPs jumped to the cold 6NT. Bridge Baron's auction went 1♣ - 2♣ (inverted); 3NT - Pass .
Board 5, 4th segment. Dealer North. N-S Vulnerable. | ||
K Q 6 3
♥ 4 ♦ A 8 7 6 3 ♣ Q 6 4 | ||
5 4 2
♥ J 10 8 5 ♦ 10 9 ♣ 7 5 3 2 |
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♥ A Q 9 2 ♦ K J 4 2 ♣ K 10 9 8 |
A J 9 8 7
♥ K 7 6 3 ♦ Q 5 ♣ A J |
West | North | East | South |
Bridge Baron | WBridge5 | Bridge Baron | WBridge5 |
1♦ | Pass | 1♠ | |
Pass | 2♠ | Pass | 4♣* |
Pass | 4♦* | Pass | 4♥* |
Pass | 4♠ | Pass | 4NT |
Pass | 5♠ (2 KC + ♠Q) | Pass | 6♠ |
* Slam try - first or second round controls
The slam seems impossible and can be defeated on a diamond lead. Bridge Baron made a normal lead of the ♥J to East's ♥A. East returned the trump 10, declarer winning the Jack. The play proceeded ♥K, heart ruff, club finesse, heart ruff, running trumps coming down to a three card ending.
♥ - ♦ A ♣ Q 6 | ||
♥ - ♦ 10 9 ♣ 7 |
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♥ - ♦ K (J) ♣ K (10) |
♥ ♦ Q 5 ♣ A |
East, shown here with four cards, must discard and cannot guard both the ♦K and the ♣K. At the table East blanked the ♦K, hoping partner had the ♦Q. WBridge5 guessed correctly, playing the ♦A, CA, ♦Q. If East unguards the ♣K, declared need to play ♣A, ♦A, ♣Q. WBridge5 won 11 IMPs when Bridge Baron played in 4♠, making 5.
Board 7 demonstrated imaginative defense by WBridge5, defeating a cold 6NT, when it created a losing option for declarer.
Board 7, 4th segment. Dealer South. Both Vulnerable. | ||
A J 7 5
♥ J 6 4 ♦ A K 10 9 ♣ K J | ||
Q 8 4
♥ K 10 9 ♦ 8 2 ♣ Q 10 9 6 2 |
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10 9 3 2
♥ 8 3 2 ♦ J 7 6 4 3 ♣ 5 |
K 6
♥ A Q 7 5 ♦ Q 5 ♣ A 8 7 4 3 |
At both tables the action was 1NT-2♣; 2♥-6NT. When WBridge5 declared, Bridge Baron led the ♠4 to declarer's ♠K. Declarer led a club to the King and led the ♦10, possibly thinking of finessing, but when East followed with the ♦7, declarer went up with the ♦A and finessed the other way, losing to East's ♦J and went down one as there was now no play for 6.
At the other table, WBridge5 made what appeared to be a costly lead of the ♦8, giving declarer four diamond tricks. Bridge Baron then finessed the ♣J then cashed the ♣K, East discarding the ♥2. After cashing three diamonds, discarding two clubs, with West discarding the ♣9 and ♠4! Declared led to the ♥Q and West ducked! Now it appeared (to declarer ?) that 6NT was going to make, with 4 diamonds, 3 clubs, 3 hearts and 2 spades. As the cards lie a low heart now and 6NT would prevail, but if East started with ♠ ? 9 ♥ K10 8 ♦ J 7 6 4 3 ♣ 5, declarer would be on a guess for the ♠Q. If East started with four heart to the K, South could end play it for 12 tricks. With the assumption that East held the ♥K, South found a way to avoid any possible spade guess. Play proceeded with declarer playing ♠K, ♣A and ♥A. If West showed out of hearts, declarer can try the spade finesse knowing that the spades were originally 5-2. When West produced a second heart declarer was assured of making 6NT. A heart to East's presumed King and voila, 12 tricks when East must lead into the ♠ A J. To Bridge Baron's dismay, West won the ♥K and cashed a club for down one. No swing.
On Board 9, WBridge5 gained 14 IMPs when it played in an excellent 6♠ contract with a 5-3 trump fit. With the trump Qxx onside, 6♠ was easily made. Bridge Baron played in 6NT and did not play best to go down.
Board 12, 4th segment. Dealer West. N-S Vulnerable. | ||
K Q 9 5
♥ A Q 4 ♦ A Q 9 7 ♣ 6 5 | ||
J 7 6 4
♥ 8 7 5 3 ♦ K 8 3 ♣ 10 8 |
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3 2
♥ K J 9 6 ♦ J 10 4 2 ♣ Q 9 4 |
A 10 8
♥ 10 2 ♦ 6 5 ♣ A K J 7 3 2 |
West | North | East | South |
Bridge Baron | WBridge5 | Bridge Baron | WBridge5 |
Pass | 1NT | Pass | 4♣ 1 |
Pass | 4♦ 2 | Pass | 4♠ 2 |
Pass | 4NT | Pass | 5♣ (0 or 3 KC in clubs) |
Pass | 6NT | All Pass |
1 6+ clubs, slam try 2 first or second round controls
North, with 17 HCPs but with only 2 clubs and a nice hand to have the lead come up to, chose 6NT as the final contract, and made 7 when East led the ♥6. WBridge5 picked up 13 IMPs when Bridge Baron played in 3NT making 7, after 1NT - 3NT.
Board 14, 4th segment. Dealer East. None Vulnerable. | ||
7 5 3
♥ K J 9 6 5 ♦ J 8 6 4 ♣ 10 | ||
Q J 10 6 4
♥ 10 ♦ A 10 ♣ K 8 7 6 4 |
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♥ A 8 7 4 ♦ K Q 9 2 ♣ Q J 3 |
9 8 2
♥ Q 3 2 ♦ 7 5 3 ♣ A 9 5 2 |
West | North | East | South |
WBridge5 | Bridge Baron | WBridge5 | Bridge Baron |
1♦ | Pass | ||
1♠ | Pass | 2NT | Pass |
3♣ (asking) | Pass | 3♦ (2 spades) | Pass |
4♣ (slam try with 5 clubs) | Pass | 4NT | Pass |
5♦ | Pass | 6♣ | All Pass |
West invited slam showing five spades and five clubs. 4NT was Blackwood We are awaiting a full explanation of the auction. WBridge5 gains 10 IMPs when if found an easy 6♣ contract while Bridge Baron played in 3NT after 1♦-1♠; 2NT - 3♣*; 3NT - Pass.
WBridge5 is very aggressive. Some times this results in getting too high. In their semifinal match against Q-Plus Bridge, WBridge5 went down in two inferior slams and lost 12 IMPs when it significantly overbid to 5♣, doubled for -800. This went along with four slam swings in WBridge5's favor. In the final match there were no significant losses due to overbidding.
All in all, a tremendous showing by WBridge5. It is clear that WBridge5 is geared for slam bidding, evaluating and re-evaluating hands very well, reaching many slams that are based on fit and distribution, not on HCPs alone.