World Computer-Bridge Championship XIV

First quarter of Final KO - An easy squeeze when an opponent's bidding reveals the location of a queen.

Board 2
East Deals
N-S Vul
♠ A K J 8 6 2
10 2
Q J 5 4
♣ Q
♠ 5 3
Q 9 5 4
A K 9 8 3
♣ 8 2
♠ 7 4
8 3
10 7 6
♣ K J 10 7 6 5
♠ Q 10 9
A K J 7 6
♣ A 9 4 3

Jack led a diamond to West's king and a club was returned to the ♣Q, ♣K, ♣A. WBridge5 had an easy time, as any good player would. Placing the Q with West, declarer never considered a finesse against East and also rejected the cross ruff as it would go down if a defender has a singleton heart (try it). WBridge5 ruffed two diamonds and ran trumps squeezing West in diamonds and hearts for +1430.  At the other table Jack bid 1-1♠,2♠-4♠.  An opening lead of a diamond to the king and a trump return held declarer to 11 tricks, as the squeeze was not as obvious with E-W silent in the auction.